VIP Bees
Adele Slatter and our Social Worker in School, Mark, have worked hard to set up a beehive at Ruawai Primary. Alongside them, they have a student Bee Group who works hard to feed and care for our school bees.
The name of this project is called VIP Bees which stands for Very Important Pollinators.
Ruawai Primary School received a Northland Regional Council 2015 Curriculum Award, for VIP Bees. We held a special assembly for this.
We would like to thank Northland Regional Council for that opportunity. We are very grateful for their ongoing support. The funds from this award have enabled us to buy valuable tools to help with caring for our bees. Some of these include bee suits for the students, and a smoker among other tools (refer to the photos).
Click here to check out NRC’s website for the Environmental Curriculum Awards. You will see that in the past years Ruawai Primary has also won awards for our gardens and our school chooks.